tara profile do not follow where the path may lead,go instead where there is no path and leave a trail
Taraxis profile is it wrong that I'm not an elitist asshole?
tarra profile do not follow where the path may lead,go instead where there is no path and leave a trail
tchgrl profile surrendered my dreams to the evil man across the street
tchort profile no dont make me see reason
Testure profile whatever you feel.... :O
The_Piper profile whatever you feel :P
thorazine profile you've run out of lies, you've run out of time
TicTac profile "I enjoy making you bleed and I enjoy making you enjoy it."
TIHS56 profile ahh.. it was just me, my arse and the open road. yes, those were the days
Topten profile I have a hard time dealing with the pressures of coming up with a good descriptive paragraph of my choice for other's perusal.
TornR profile Slave To Evil
torture profile kill kill kill for inner peace and mental health
tr-auma profile eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
trace profile I do what feels right, and it works out fine. Pow Pow Pow!
Traithen profile Sunday, Sunday, where have you been? your emerald eyes are like your hand reaching out to me. the wolves are out tonight, under the hunters moon.
trauma profile in the mighty words of RatThing "ARR. Boogers"
trent profile i just want something i can never have (ogre)
trent-ko profile Yeah.
Troy profile Living in a pre-apocalyptic leads one to mischevios deeds of mahem and terror.
twisted profile all those deficiencies satisfied in dreams
twitch451 profile Envoye! Paranoid Axis Productions