Full name I think it'd be cool if we didn't have names, but went around calling each other by their favorite melon...."Hey cantaloupe, how's that canker sore?"
Web Site
Place of Residence in bethlehem. you know. star of David and all that jazz US
Favourite Books aeon flux, brazil, 13 monkeys, Zelazny's "Amber" series, britain comedy. the shining. comedy central, history/discovery/learning channel
Fav. Film/TV
Fav. Foods ribs, girl scouts carmel delites and thin mints, also EL fudge. beef teriyaka don, cheese tortellini, skim milk, starbucks ice cream
Fav. Bands If my name was Rod Roddy, I wouldn't be a game show announcer.
Final Comment I have a hard time dealing with the pressures of coming up with a good descriptive paragraph of my choice for other's perusal.