cable profile industrial forever
Carmel profile : Capital Punishment For I Have Sined, Good Bye My Love...........:
carter15 profile too young to know
censor profile ogre i love you!!! :) hehehe
chantah profile
chaot23 profile "Stand absolved behind your electric chair, dancing." -- J. Buckley
ChemHalo profile "whatever you feel"?
chex profile each sound around you carries you deeper
Choralone profile Who thought up those Mentos commercials anyway?
chris_fr profile
CHunc profile Stop praying for someone to save you, and save yourself
cinder profile Beauty in chaos, death in order.
clancy profile
Clay+Pig profile There's nothing more dangerous than a wounded mosquito
clyde profile "now is a good time to start"
ColdColor profile I live for my music and if you can't understand that hatred breeds profoundly intelligent songs, then you shouldn't be looking at my info....
colin profile Is there another word for synonym?
Comatoast profile Winner Champion's Cup- 1997 WORLD YODEL RODEO!!! Damn, I ROCK!!
CombatBoi profile feed 7: N_off is N_off
ConFUseD profile
Converter profile
CorpSlave profile Jesus will return... but that's okay, we'll get him again.
Cossack profile "The further I get from the things that I care about, the less I care about how much further away I get. "
countess profile I woke up this morning.........unfortunately
Cri-nge profile cringepac in the hizouse
Cringe profile (i am the king of /cycling) props out to my true friends on #industrial >you know who you are, and who isn't< /all you know about me is what i sold you/ piece
crisp profile i'm better than you.
Crowman profile Zodiac 7 is an industrial metal band from Denmark....Check out our WEB-site for more info & updates....
ctukqdmgm profile BlVRucgWPeCVq
CultHero profile who, me?
Curcible profile killer in the morning scent of rain come on fills the part put on me stranger ive been shown less we love and know how were just morter filling holes
Cutter profile "I'm an American, you're a sick asshole."
CyBeRaKTi profile i like black....thats pretty much all i wear, not to get attention, just because i like black...i hate it when people think i do it just to freak people out
CyberIA profile ..bored.. I feel very bored...
cyberia13 profile Outside makeing permanent love to the nuclear age? Yeah, Probably.