Full name Sean Doran
Web Site
Birthdate 7. August, 1970 Leo
Place of Residence D.C. or Toronto CA
Favourite Books "the life of a" _Repo Man_ "is always intense", Perfectly Normal (hockey meets opera meets Alice's Restaurant), Steel Beach (Varley)
Fav. Film/TV
Fav. Foods anything that isn't bland, preferably Indian, Middle Eastern, Moroccan, Chinese (Cantonese and Hunan), Mexican, haute cuisine, and bad-for-you junk food
Fav. Bands einsturzende neubaten, test dept, spahn ranch, die form, dead kennedys, pixies, joy division, pil, sonic youth, jesus & mary chain
Final Comment Oh, look, someone with a sharp wit. Someone should make him drop it before he cuts himself.